This society of mine view everything that is not normal as abnormal. Main stream medicine will treat it as they are sick or as a disease. To me, this is really not true. When a child at birth, his or her brain is really pre-program with all the senses all wired-up. So a child is not born with autism. A child becomes autistics due to external factors such as vaccinations, although some said it is not proven yet. However, the statistics of kids having autism after taking their vaccines cannot be ignored. Between the moment the child was born until he or she reaches 4 to 5 years old, the brain is experiencing exponential growth. Autism is a symptoms whereby the brain is experiencing blockage and it is attempting to re-wire. Thus, it is critical that a child experience different methods of coaching to new senses so that the brain can start a new program. I will recommend these books for reading:
- Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew
- Changing the Course of Autism: A Scientific Approach for Parents and Physicians
- What To Do About Your Brain-injured Child (READ THIS FIRST!!!)
- Rescuing Brain Injured Child
To enable the re-wiring of the brain, it requires a multiple approach to it. What this blog entry will do is to focus on the nutritional approach to autism. Having, it is important for the parent to focus in other areas as well such as activities and etc...
The nutritional requirements of an autistic child is to focus on protecting and developing the brain. What does it mean? Protecting the brain means to reduce the oxidative stress which the brain experience. Developing brain means giving enough nutrients for the brain to spawn new neuron networks. This is the re-wiring phase.
Vitamins and minerals required:
- Calcium: Plays a critical role in normal brain function
- Magnesium: One of the key minerals to maintain proper brain metabolism
- COQ10: Improve cell energy producing factory
- B Complex: Improves mood and blood circulation
- Vitamin A, C and E: Anti-oxidant (Requires a high level for the body)
- Fish Oil: Good for the brain
Other important requirements:
- Eat raw as much as possible. That means eating a lot of salads, fruits and etc...
- Eat organic. To prevents heavy metals, pesticides and etc... from entering the body.
- Complex carbohydrate. Constant release of energy. A simple carbohydrate diet will cause the body blood sugar to spike, which will cause mood swing.
- No bad oil stuffs such as deep fried meat or preserve meat such as bacons.
- No sugared drink
- No caffeinated drink
- Gluten free diet. People with autism has difficulty digesting casein
- Clean filtered water to avoid pollutants from water that will affect the brain. Not distilled.
- Eat frequent small meals rather than 3 big meals. Helps to maintain blood sugar
- Dairy free diet. Cow's milk is an allergen
- Chewable calcium/magnesium: Let them chew 3 tablets a day
- Chewable multi-vitamin: Let them chew as much as they want. Take it like a treat for them
- Chewable vitamin C: Let them chew as much as possible
- B-complex: 1/1/1/-
- Protein Powder: 1/-/-/1
- Salmon Omega 3 fish oil: 1/1/-/- ( take it if they can swallow)
- Double X: 1/-/1/-
- Calcium Magnesium: Take according to bottle instructions
- Bio-C: 4/4/4/4 (if they can take more will be good)
- Lecithin E: 4/4/4/4 (If can increase to 8 per intake will be good)
- Multi-carotene: 3/3/3/3 until skin or palm turn orange then stop taking. Once colour is cleared, continue
- COQ10: Take according to bottle instructions
- Salmon Omega 3 fish oil: 1/1/1/-
- Protein Powder: 2/-/-/2
- B-complex: 3/3/3/-
- Milk Thistle: -/-/-/4 to ensure proper liver function
Please remember, this is just one part of the puzzles. There are more that needs to be done. However, the window of opportunity is small and thus, take action now.
Lastly, as a parent, you have to stay positive, read as much as possible and never give up.